My background

Born in Brisbane, I moved to the sleepy town of Crow's Nest when I was 8 and then to Anduramba, a district between Crow's Nest and Blackbutt.

Raised by single father, a teacher, I turned my back on the family profession and became a truck driver and "carnie" after school, travelling around the show/rodeo circuit. Fun, but not really a career.

I found myself in a job as a service station attendant and fell up to management. I did this for a few years until a friend told me to come and work with him at a private company which provided an LMS and content service to various universities and colleges.

When that company closed down, the Business Faculty at USQ called and asked if I could continue to help with the delivery of their online courses. I agreed and have been bouncing around at USQ ever since.

In my downtime it's probably easier to say that I enjoy the outdoors. I will try my hand at most things, but mostly enjoy camping, hunting, fishing, and any sport (but I participate actively in volleyball and rimfire field position shooting at the moment).

Food is something else that I enjoy.... albeit a bit too much....


Above all of these things, I enjoy spending time with my family.