Did you Know

Foundation and Numeracy notes.

Weekly notes


Week one: Addition

What are:

  • Concepts- the idea we have in our head
  • Skills- ability to process concept
  • Strategies – what we do to obtain an answer


  • The language model for mathematics


  • Students language
  • Material language
  • Mathematics language
  • Symbolic language


  • Operations with Whole Numbers – Addition


a) What does the word “Mathematics” mean to me? The word mathematics to me mean’s concern of lack of understanding and the feeling that I am starting an unknown trek and I’m not sure where it will take me.


b) Complete the sentence “Mathematics is...” The discovery of the world around us using numbers


c) What are your attitudes and beliefs about mathematics?... are they negative or positive...Why?

My beliefs of mathematics are that it is difficult for me and I believe many others as well. I do feel that I lack the concept of many mathematic ideas, but hope to gain a better understanding through this course.


b) If mathematics were a food what food would it be?  A truffle, because people think your smart when you know all about them, they are an odd fungus, yet they seem to be a necessity to many.


Week Two: Subtraction


  • The language model for mathematics


  • Students language
  • Material language
  • Mathematics language
  • Symbolic language



  • What is numeracy
  • Ed QLD essential learning’s requirements. By the end of year 3.
  • Subtraction is- when you know the total and one part of the total, and you have to find the other part.



Week Three: Multiplication

  • Mathematical Properties:


  • Commutative- turn arounds


  •  Associative- 3 x (4 x 5)            =(3 x 4) x 5           


  •  Distributive-



The Set Model “There are two acorns on each of three plates. How many acorns are there altogether?”            


The Array Model “The length of a rectangle is 5cms and the width is           

3cms. What is the area of the rectangle?”           


The Measurement or Length Model “I bought 4 hair ribbons each 2 meters long. How many meters of ribbon did I buy?”            


The Combinations (cross products) Model

“I have 3 different colored shirts and 2 different colored pairs of trousers. How many different outfits can I make?”


Week Four: Division

Division is separating a number into equal parts.


  • Partition-“I have 10 cookies and 5 friends. How many cookies can I give to each of my friends?”
  • Quotition- “I have 10 cookies and I want to give 2 to each of my friends. How many friends can I give cookies to?”           


Personal information

  • Campus: Springfield
  • First name: Jessica
  • Last name: Walker
  • Student ID: w0085829
  • Display name: jessica walker
  • Email address: W0085829@umail.usq.edu.au
  • Town: Ashmore