Scratch One

Phase one of the Scratch animation activities saw us as students learn how to engage with and use the program in an effective manner. During this phase, we were asked to deliver simple commands and simple command sequences that allowed us to understand the basic fundamentals of Scratch animation. An example of this is grouping command sequences together so that the cat ‘Sprite’ moves around on the animation page. As the tutorials increase, we learnt how to draw regular polygons, which seemed extremely challenging at first, however once you had an understanding of the commands; it was quite an enjoyable experience attempting to draw different shaped polygons. This is achieved by altering the number of steps and degrees that ‘Sprite’ moves. The tutorials increased in their challenge; however the steps taken through practice ensure that you can succeed. This first phase of learning really increased my basic understanding of Scratch animation and opened my eyes to how advanced this program can be, and how important programs like this are to the technologies curriculum. In the draft paper of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies paper, the digital technologies processes and production- create digital solutions elaboration states that, “...Students will develop increasingly sophisticated skills in digital technologies processes and production through applying computational thinking to create digital information products, systems or software instructions to address digital problems” (ACARA, 2012). Scratch animation would be a fantastic online programming system to upper primary school students to learn how to begin to engage with computer programming.

Scratch Three

The third, more advanced phase that we as students undertook was the task of creating a ping-pong game. I personally found this task extremely challenging and needed the assistance of other students in order to complete. However, working together to complete the task by exploring various programming functions allowed me to achieve a successful ping-pong game upon completion. The task was originally designed for school students, who obviously have had previous experience in computer programming. Similar to the previous phase’s activity, this scratch animation would be a fantastic design brief activity that students could complete either by themselves or in small groups. The task has a multitude of challenges involved so that students could work with others and create more challenging aspects of the ping pong game. It is important that as students who are exposed to the new technologies curriculum, we as educators give students the tools to be able to engage in critical and creative thinking. The Australian Curriculum Draft Shape paper: Technologies states that a part of being able to think and learn creatively, students will need to know “...Experimenting, drawing modelling and working with digital tools, equipment and software will assist students to build their visual and spatial thinking and to create solutions, products, services or environments” (ACARA, 2012).

Scratch Two

 The second phase of the Scratch animation activity was much more challenging; asking students to create a simple race car game using the paint functions and various sequences. This task had many more elements involved and seemed much more hands on; attempting to achieve a goal at the end of the task. This phase’s activity would be a fantastic design brief activity that could be used in the classroom for year’s 5-7 students depending on their exposure to scratch animation and other computer programming activities. ACARA draft paper on technologies education states that: “Computational thinking involves students learning to formulate problems, logically organise and analyse data, and represent it in abstract forms such as data tables, digital graphs, spreadsheets, models and animations” (ACARA, 2012). From this scratch phase, I was able to learn more about computer programming, in particular; how this relates to game making. Before this experience I had limited understanding of how to program a game, however after this phase I would feel confident enough to teach upper primary school students how to program a basic race car game. The educator would need to ensure that students are facilitated enough through the sequencing, so that they do not become lost; however if the students have worked with the program before, the race car sequencing game would be a great activity for years 5-7.


This learning activity on Scratch animation was an extension project in which we could choose aspects of the Scratch program to alter, explore, add to or in fact create our own programming system or game. I decided to take a leap of faith and design my own tutorial that could be used in reference to my curated collection, on creative technologies. As a passionate arts advocate, I decided it would be an interesting idea to create dance tutorials for students in order to illustrate their choreography skills in dance class. Scratch animation would be used to import images of students in freeze frames of particular dance moves. The students would then move the images in the directions that they in fact move in real life, and would have to learn to animate and edit their images in various ways. This activity could be used in various key learning areas for a number of different activities, or could be used across the dance key learning area across many different grades.

Reference List

ACARA. (2012). The Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies. Retrieved June 4th, 2013, from ACARA: