Case Study: Sam*

Sam* is a 6-year-old boy diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Sam maintains close relationships with his teacher and Learning Support teacher, however, struggles to interact with his class peers and other students in the school. Sam is often misconceived or misunderstood by his peers, which regularly leads to bullying or negative social interaction outside of the classroom. Consequently, the transition from playground to classroom can be difficult for Sam. Sam struggles to comprehend social issues such as interaction and maintaining personal space with his peers. High sensory, stressful situations can often lead to enhanced anxiety, which may result in erratic behaviour including Pica. One of Sam’s strengths is his ability to achieve academically if he is suitably challenged. However, Sam is reluctant to demonstrate his full potential if he lacks engagement in the learning experience. Sam enjoys all activities related to the arts. He is extremely creative and innovative, and exhibits skills in all facets of visual arts. In addition, Sam is acutely observant and tends to remember the fine details of a person or place. He does, however, have the tendency to mention negative attributes of a person’s physical appearance at inappropriate times.  Finally, Sam’s parents are supportive and are motivated to assist in the intervention process.

 * For the purpose of the assignment, the ASD student’s name will be Sam.