Framework Indicator

How this indicator has been addressed and what evidence have you provided that demonstrates this

Professional Values



I identify and participate in professional development to improve my digital literacy and pedagogy.


Throughout EDC3100 and others over the course of my degree, I have engaged in online lectures, forum discussions and online activities in order to improve my digital literacy and pedagogy skills. Examples highlighting my evidence for this standard are as follows:

Example: An overview of the posts I have made so far in the course EDC3100 ICT and Pedagogy which highlight my participation and effort to increase my digital literacy and pedagogy, available from,

Example: Prezi presentation profile which highlights my interest in improving my digital literacy available from,

Example: The forum record of my groups community of inquiry that I participated in as part of EDX2190 Australian History and Society: Curriculum and Pedagogy, which demonstrates my participation in professional development through substantiative conversation (The Department of Education and Training, 2004) utilising a digital platform, available from,

Example: As part of EDC3100 Assignment one, with my group, I designed and implemented an online Q&A asynchronous event ‘Q&A: Learnign Forum: Ask the Experts-Insight into ICT and Social Development” where an international panel of experts, including Martin Burrett, teacher and founder of information and communication technology wiki ICT Magic, Jean Dakin, child psychologist, Anne Knock, Director of Development at the Sydney Centre for Innovation and Learning at Northern Beaches Christian School, Shelly Sanchez Terrell, 30 Goals Challenge author and international teacher trainer and Katie Younger, Early Years teacher came together to discuss how ICT influences social development in young children. activity log for this event can be found at

Example: I participated in two other online events, Does ICT Benifit Diverse Learners and Educating our Children- Can it all be Fun and Games? In order to increase my knowledge and understanding of both digital literacy and pedagogy in the areas of providing differentiated learning and utilizing the gaming phenomenon to engage learners and increase participation. The activity log on my contribution can be found at  

Example: I participated in NAACE ICT CPD Award Scheme professional development course Embedding E-Safety in the Curriculum, a course that focus on providing an overview of issues surrounding ICT safety, enabling educators to identify opportunities for integrating online safety into other curriculum areas and gained a certificate of participation. 


I acknowledge the potential for ICT to improve student outcomes.


Recognising that the National Curriculum has placed ICT as a general capability, a set of relevant knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions intending for Australian students to develop skills and dispositions towards using Information and Communications Technology to ‘access, create and communicate information and ideas, solve problems and work collaboratively in all learning areas at school, and in their lives beyond school (Australian Curriculum and Reporting Agency, 2012 p41), and as a result of my experience during my degree, in practicum experiences and in both my own online event and my participation in other events, I believe that ICT has the potential to transform and tailor learning experiences and excite students and make the curriculum relevant to their personal contexts. Examples of how I have used ICT to improve students outcomes are evidenced in the following examples:

Example: A wordpress blog outlining a series of lessons involving Health and Physical Education for a Kindergarten context, that utilising ICT, using digital representations to revise and reflect on learning, available from

Example: A reflection on my own learning that took place in my EDC3100 Assignment one online event, that highlights my new understandings on using ICT in classroom settings, available from

Example: my UoW for EDC3100, an integrated Science and Geography unit for a Year Three class, focusing on living things and sustainable environments, available from the ‘Unit Overview and Lesson Sequence’ Pages

Professional Relationships



I use ICT to operate within teams and to communicate for professional purposes.


During EDE3100 and other courses in my undergraduate degree program as well as for my own personal and professional learning, I have regularly used ICT to communicate within teams and to communicate for professional purposes.  Examples of how I meet this criteria can be seen in the following examples:

Example: A facebook group created to discuss, plan and organise the EDE3100 Assignment 1 online event, available from

Example: a facebook page set up to share our online event for EDC3100 Assignment 1 with interested parties, available from

Example: Tweets sharing our online event, available from

Example: I am a member of facebook group ‘Teachers Resources for using ICT in the Classroom’ and regularly share, discuss and problem solve a variety of ICT resources. Available from

Example: a facebook group created to collaborate, share and work on a group assignment for EDX2190 Australian History and Society: Curriculum and Pedagogy, available from for the group project available from

Professional Knowledge



I understand that ICT is most effective when used purposefully in the context of learning.


Research into ICT in education recommends that ICT capability is based on the assumption that technologies are digital tools that enable the student to solve problems and carry out tasks; ICTs chosen for use in classroom and educational contexts need to suit the student and the task (Maas 1983), and consider the types of tasks that provide authentic contexts for learning (ACARA, 2012).


Example: The curriculum suggestion for EDC3100 Assignment 1, where a variety of ICT tools were used to access, create and communicate information and ideas and work collaboratively  (Australian Curriculum and Reporting Agency, 2012) as students undertook an historic investigation into a location of local significance and shared their investigation and findings with a group of students in Scotland. In this example, students were able to not only find out more about a local park, but deepen their understandings by comparing and contrast it with a similar one in Scotland. Available from

Example: The online event my group facilitated for EDC3100 Assignment 1 highlighted this issue during our four days of discussion; our experts agreed that ICTs are tools for learning, and that while specific lessons with a focus on learning how to use ICT have their place, the main focus should be on a function that a particular ICT provides that will enhance learning. Available from

Example: in my Unit of Work for EDC3100 assignment two, as students had previously completed units of work on both advertising and using Microsoft Publisher, the assessment piece I designed utilized the students enthusiasm for both creating a product that had the potential to influence a target audience using a Microsoft program they have recently mastered to show their learning in the areas of Geography and Science. Available from the ‘Lesson Sequence’ page

Professional Practice



I select ICT to suit the learning context and diversity of learners.


The lessons taught during my practical experience used a variety of both familiar and unfamiliar ICTs; each one was chosen to suit the curriculum focus and enrich learning experience by providing students with visual, auditory and kinesthetic involvement in ICTs.

Example: To introduce a Christian studies lesson, I chose a Lego Bible clip from YouTube, knowing that one student in particular was very interested in Lego, and the whole class were avid YouTube fans. Incorporating a student’s area of interest not only engaged that particular student in the lesson, but the classes interest in YouTube ensured the students began the learning experience engaged and enthusiastic. In addition, this example shows how ICT was used to suit the Christian context of the school. Available from the ‘Evidence’ page

Example: two students in the practical experience classroom found writing tasks difficult; in order to differentiate a holiday recount task, these students were encouraged to type their work using a netbook computer, which facilitated the completion of the task and changed a lesson from one that these students had previously refused to participate in, to one that they enthusiastically completed.


I plan learning experiences which incorporate ICT to implement curriculum intent.


During my planning for the practical component of EDE3100, I regularly incorporate the use of ICT to implement the curriculum goals and focus within my lessons

Example:  Because there were a number of visual learners in the practicum classroom (see learner distribution on ‘Evidence’ page), I regularly utilized the interactive whiteboard to display short movies and websites such as Google Earth during learning experiences, which engaged learners and facilitated an enthusiastic response to learning the curriculum. Specifically, Google Earth allowed students to gain a real understanding of waste management and human’s effect on our environment during a Geography lesson as they were able to see waste disposal sites in context, compare their size relative to other structures around and position in relation to waterways, which fits the environment strand within the Geography curriculum ‘the use of natural resources and disposal of waste effects the environment.’ Available from the downloadable lesson plans: Geography lesson 1

Example: Knowing that a large proportion of the class were musically gifted and had reportedly enjoyed previous learning experiences that incorporated music, during a science lesson in which the objective was for students to be able to classify animals into groups, I played a catchy song on the Interactive whiteboard. As the lesson progressed, I was able to use the student’s memory of the song and its tune to remember the correct scientific categories, fulfilling the lessons objective. Available from the downloadable lesson plans: Science week 3, lesson 1


I provide opportunities for students to use ICT for a range of purposes.


I have had, over the course of my university studies as well as my working life, the opportunity to provide opportunities for students to use ICTs for a range of purposes.

 Example: As part of a practicum experience, I created a learning experience for a Kindergarten group that focused on numeracy understandings of space and distance using a Bee-bot to identify a route, predict the outcome, revise earlier ideas/predictions, and generate new ideas from experience. Available from the ‘Evidence’ page

 Example: During my practical component of EDC3100, I used ICTs to introduce new curriculum topics, extend learning, activate prior knowledge, record learning, differentiate tasks and to create assessment pieces. This was done using the interactive whiteboard to show clips, websites, photographs, games and also to model tasks, using cameras and voice recording equipment to record and provide evidence of learning, the use of netbook computers to type rather than handwrite work and to create a postcard assessment item which allowed students to creatively show their learning of an integrated Science/Geography lesson mini unit, utilising their skills in Microsoft Publisher and knowledge of advertising.


I manage equitable access to and purposeful use of digital resources and tools.


As evidenced in my Unit of Work, as well as during my practicum teaching experience, I encouraged and facilitated students to use ICTs in meaningful, authentic and purposeful ways.

Example:  As the assessment piece for my UoW was a postcard that showed a living thing in its natural environment to be used to teach others about living things and the necessity of sustainable environments, the students needed to utilize their prior knowledge of advertising learned during media studies and the necessary ICT skills. In order to complete the task, every student had the opportunity to work on their assessment piece over several lessons as well as  scaffolding students learning by teaching the programs necessary to create the assessment piece. This ensured that each student had equitable access to resources, and used them purposefully.

Example:  As part of the practicum component of this course, I regularly encouraged students to utilize the interactive whiteboard during my lessons. In order to incorporate inclusivity in the classroom, utilized this resource during English rotation activities, in order to facilitate equitable access. In addition, I worked individually with students during ICT lessons, troubleshooting and going through the steps necessary to get into certain programs in order to ensure that each student had the opportunity to use the netbook computers in a meaningful way and lessen time off task. Photographic evidence available from ‘Evidence’ page; lesson plans available from ‘Lesson Sequence’ page



I use ICT to access, organise and develop digital resources and information for professional purposes.


Over the course of my studies I have had the opportunity to create many ICT resources for use the classroom using Windows Moviemaker, PowerPoint, Pixlr, Flickr and You Tube.

Example: I created a short clip titled ‘Waste,’ published to You Tube, which was successfully used to begin a unit of work on  a unit of work with a focus on sustainability for a Year Three class. Available from ‘Evidence’ page and

Example: I created a short clip titled ‘Babies,’ published to You Tube, which was successfully used to begin an English unit of work with a focus on the concept of adjectives. The clip was created to be used in conjunction with the book ‘The Tall Man and the Twelve Babies’ by Tom Niland Champion(2010), to connect the student’s experiences with babies to the chosen text, and activate prior knowledge. Available from ‘Evidence’ page and

Example: As an assessment piece for EDX2260 Science Curriculum and Pedagogy, I created a PowerPoint presentation as an ‘information event’ for a group of parents, outlining the Australian Curriculum: Science curriculum strands and inquiry skills, scientific literacy as well as some example lesson sequences in the areas of Physical Science and Earth and Space Science. Available from the downloads section of the 'Evidence Page'


I develop students' digital citizenship through the modeling and teaching of ethical, safe and legal use of digital resources, tools and environments, in accordance with Departmental policies.


During the course ICT and Pedagogy and during practicum, I have had the opportunity meet this indicator in the following ways:

Example: As part of EDC3100 assignment two assessment, I created a curriculum suggestion that incorporates concepts of Digital Citizenship, Digital Communication, Digital Etiquette and Digital Security as part of an online Flat Stanley project that explicitly teaches principles of digital citizenship.

Evidence: I had the opportunity during my most recent practical experience to use ICTS in a way that engaged learners in safe, ethical and legal ICT use, as evidenced by letter of support from mentor teacher (ICT Statement) and photographic evidence. Available from the ‘Evidence’ page

Evidence: During my most recent practicum, I had the opportunity to engage in teaching and learning experiences that modelled ethical, safe and legal use of ICTs, in the digital citizenship areas of Digital Access, Digital Literacy, and Digital Health and Wellness, as indicated by my Professional Experience Report and Letter of Support (ICT Statement). Available from the ‘Evidence’ page