Exploration of Digital Technologies Alternatives

I choose to explore pivot animation as one alternative to scratch as this 2D application allows for the creation of simple stick figure animations, but also has the potential for the production of more advanced creations.   The basic idea of Pivot was to make it possible to make a stickman animation by dragging the parts of the stickman while keeping the proportions of its parts constant.  The figures are not limited as you are able to create your own or download figures from the web.  Pivot does not allow for the addition of text or sound within the program, meaning files would need to be saved as an animated gif. before text and sound can be added using a video editor such as Windows Movie Maker.  Although this may seem to be a disadvantage, I believe it encourages the combination of components and systems in order to achieve a set goal or purpose, as indicated by the Technology Years 1 to 10 Syllabus (QSA, 2003) and the more recent Draft Australian Curriculum: Technology (2013).


A second alternative is Game Maker Lite 8.0.  This program incorporates the creation and animation skills of Scratch, with further scope for users in creating their own games and platforms. Due to the step by step instructions provided, Game Maker Lite would be suitable as an introductory programming tool for beginner users.


Finally I researched “SiMPLE” after reading about it in a blog by fellow student, Jodie O'Brien.  This program uses basic programming language to ensure beginner users can create personalised products.  Because the program is a text file containing a set of instructions that tell your computer what to do, students simply enter what they want programmed and SiMPLE builds the codes.  This removes the need for locating coding blocks and sequencing then in order for the created product to run; thereby I am not sure that this process could really be classed as programming.  Fortunately you are provided with the option of writing your own code as well.


The Draft Australian Curriculum: technology (2013) digital systems, focuses on the hardware and software components of systems and includes computer architecture and the associated operating systems, along with how these can be applied in producing multimedia representations of data.  Digital Technologies projects, such as Scratch, Game Maker Lite or Pivot animations, require students to utilise multimedia in the design and development of web pages, computer games and multimedia artefacts, all of which can then be used for assessment purposes.

Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

 2.4 Identify, explore, and use digital systems (hardware and software components) for personal and classroom needs

4.4 Use a range of digital systems and peripherals for diverse purposes, and transmit different types of data

4.6 Design and implement simple visual programs with user input and branching

6.7 Design and implement digital solutions using visual programs with user input, branching and iteration

8.9 Develop and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, repetition or iteration and subprograms in a general-purpose programming language

 8.10 Manage the sequence of tasks, the types of processes and the resources needed to develop software that meets user requirements

10.9 Collaboratively develop modular digital solutions, applying appropriate algorithms and data structures using visual, object-oriented and/or scripting tools and environments

 10.10 Use agile development techniques to iteratively and collaboratively develop (design, implement and test) software that meets user requirements


Draft Australian Curriculum: Technology. (2013). Retrieved February 15, 2012, from, http://www.acara.edu.au/verve/_resources/Draft_Shape_of_the_Australian_Curriculum_Technologies_paper_-_March_2012.pdf

Queensland Studies Authority. (2003). Technology Years 1 to 10 Syllabus.