Simple Command Sequence

Introduction to Scratch

Scratch is a free computer programming environment developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group. The Scratch programming environment is a visual computer programming language designed for 8-12 year old children to learn how to program and create multimedia applications and games by dragging and dropping program colour specific program blocks. As students create and share Scratch project they learn to work collaboratively, while thinking creatively and reason systematically as they develop important mathematical and computational concepts.

Getting started with Scratch:

  1. Download and install Scratch
  2. Consult the getting started and reference guide
  3. Download Scratch cards
  4. View and complete tutorials

Installing Scratch was a straight forward, easy to follow process. I particularly found the tutorials useful as I could hit ‘pause’ while I worked through each step in a similar Scratch project. I then began creating my own projects, beginning with a series of simple command sequences before slowly increasing the number of commands. These projects are available for viewing to the left of this page.

Skills developed:

  • Introduction to the basic elements of scratch interface

  • Adding backgrounds - customise backgrounds by importing images from files

  • Selecting and adding sprites - sprites can also be drawn in Scratch

  • Adding music and sound - own audio can be imported

  • Creating a sequence of commands

Allocating students time in the initial lessons to work through the tutorials would ensure they develop practical hands on understanding of the programming process before beginning their own projects.

I believe an advantage of this program is that students can individualise their project; students can customise graphics within Scratch or they can import them from external files. Sounds, pictures, photos, and data can be combined in a Scratch application.   Students can showcase their work for parents and other children in the school to see, or they can share projects on-line.   

A comprehensive education in Technologies provides opportunities for students to progress from creative and directed play, such as Scratch programming, through to the consolidation of knowledge, understanding and skills (Draft Australia Curriculum: Technology, 2012). Scratch empowers students to control the computer and create applications rather than use the computer in a passive manner.  It also allows for investigations into how and why some command sequences work and others do not.  Despite my best efforts there were some sequences I could not get to work as I intended. 

Creativity and originality is core to designing and creating. Students can be given the same task; however different techniques and command sequences can be employed to create the final application. Allowing children to create and customise the graphics for a project ensures originality and ownership of the project (Crook, 2009). The Australian Curriculum: Technologies (2013) aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students select and manipulate appropriate technologies when designing and creating products.


Crook, S. (2009). Embedding Scatch in the classroom. Retrieved March 1, 2012, from, ttp://

Draft Australian Curriculum: Technology. (2013). Retrieved February 15, 2012, from,